Founder, Lane Publishing

His inseparable identity with Sunset Magazine can overshadow the prolific contributions Lane made to advertising in the West. He was a decisive influence in setting the course of the Advertising Association of the West, devoting his time and energy to the organization during its early struggle to attain permanent stability and stature. During this critical period he served as its president and later its chairman.

Lane created and endowed the Library of International Advertising and Marketing, located in San Francisco, dedicated solely to the accumulation and dispensing of data relative to advertising and selling outside the United States. This unique resource bears his name and is maintained by the Lane family.

He also played a major role in achieving West Coast acceptance of the Advertising Council and for many years participated with vigor in its programs. Lane, likewise, was an ardent supporter of Alpha Delta Sigma and personally hosted endless meetings of advertising students and professionals at his colorful Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters.

Lane’s more concrete monument, Sunset, is more than a successful magazine. Under his inspired guidance, it pioneered a regional approach to marketing and was a positive factor in the cultural and social development of western living. Always a firm exponent of solid ethics in advertising, he not only refused advertising whose claims could not be thoroughly substantiated but openly proclaimed a money-back guarantee.

Lane’s personality and forcefulness was felt in all avenues of advertising in the West. What he stood for and accomplished reached across the 50 states. He was truly a builder and champion of ideals.